Life Requires Planning; we are here for you.
Nancy Carman
I count myself fortunate in the ability to combine my extensive education in gerontology and experience as a care manager by providing Fendrick Morgan’s senior clients guidance as they navigate through the maze of care options, to ensure the utmost dignity in their later years.
For more than 25 years, Ms. Carman has brought her unique background as a Gerontologist and certified Geriatric Care Manager to her role of managing geriatric care management programs.
As Fendrick Morgan’s first Elder Care Coordinator, Carman works closely with the firm’s senior clients and their family caregivers to compassionately guide them in them through the often-confusing health, transition and quality of life issues that seniors face.
Nancy’s wealth of experience also includes senior focus group and support group work, successful grant writing, developing age-sensitivity training programs and consulting in the senior housing industry.
- National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers
- American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
- The Estate and Financial Planning Council of Southern New Jersey
- Tri-County Regional Ethics Committee of Southern New Jersey
- Alzheimer’s Association, Delaware Valley Chapter, former board member
- Care Association (formerly National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers)
- Leading Age (formerly American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging)
- The Estate and Financial Planning Council of Southern New Jersey
- Tri-County Regional Ethics Committee of Southern New Jersey
- Alzheimer’s Association, Delaware Valley Chapter, former board member
- HOPE Garden, Medford NJ – Providing organically grown foods to those in need
- Fellowship Alliance Church, Medford NJ – First Grade Sunday School Teacher
- Co-editor and contributing author, Re-creating Neighborhoods for Successful Aging, Health Professions Press, 2009
- Former columnist, Aging Well, Courier Post (serving southern New Jersey and Pennsylvania newspaper readers).
- LIVE Elder Care and Elder Law Session, Underwriters Marketing Service, April 2018
- The Economics of Aging, Estate And Financial Planning Council of Southern New Jersey, March 2018.
- Certification, Elder Care Coordination, The Stockton University Center on Successful Aging in conjunction with the Life Care Planning Law Firms
- Association
- Master’s Prepared Gerontologist
- Care Manager Certification, The National Academy of Certified Care Managers
- Interdisciplinary Geriatric Education Program, University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ, Newark, NJ
- M.A. degree, Gerontology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
- B.A. degree, Religion/Religious Studies, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA